again, these photos were taken about 2 years ago. i used fed 2 with an industar 26M lens and the ever reliable "el cheapo" colpan 100 b&w film. toned 'em over at photoshop.
yah, its been too long already since the last time i posted something photography-related here.
i found these old ones (taken prolly 2-3 years ago) in the depth of my photo folder. i am not quite sure if i have posted these ones before. prolly not. since i dont see 'em o my flickr account. besides, im too lazy to backtrack here. XDDD
anyway, i kindda re-edited a bit. yah know, make 'em more balanced. i think i over-edited it before. hihihi! ^_______^
Lubitel 2; Kodak TCN400 (past-dated); Loyola Memorial Park
Fed 2 w/ Industar 26M lens; El Cheapo Colpan 100
Woca Plastic Camera; Kodak TCN400 (past-dated)
anyway, there's still a bunch of photos i havent exactly edited and posted. so, i guess, its gonna be a pretty busy weekend for me.
yeah, its been raining out here for the three days now. summer is really over... thank god! im not really a fan of the summer heat. the summer heat is really crazy when you live in a tropical country plus global warming. nai! nai! nai!
i love it when it rains. its nice to watch the rain drops falling from the sky. and of course, temperature goes down. at times like this, i love to eat japanese sweet corn. i know, its pretty weird.., but i just like it like that.
i really hope this cool temperature lasts til the week ends. ~^_______^~
"ARASHIC + ARACHIC + ARASICK + Cool & Soul" eehhhhhhh??? WTF?!?! yeah, that what 嵐's summer 2006 con is called. i know, its seriously pathetic, lame, stupid and everything else. whatever happened to the simple yet very catchy previous summer con title?!?! god knows!
boys, just because it rhymes that doesnt mean its right, good or cool. johnny-san, you should know better... tsk tsk tsk.
the con kicked off sunday with 2 shows somewhere north and will end in yokohama late august. and from news from people who went to see the con, well... not much really about the con itself but more of matsumoto jun's hair style. the boy just lost his wits when he decided to have hair extensions (a week before con started) thats way pass shoulder length. maybe he's sporting gackt's locks in his redemption video?!? or maybe he wanted to be like his senpai kimura takuya - but thats real hair?!?! or he's prolly having an almost-quarter-life crisis. '-__-
lets just hope they wont be bring 'em when they do their concerts in taiwan, korea and thailan in autumn -- the bad hair of matsujun and summer con title. bwahahahaha! (^A^) here's a clip from the elusive One Summer 2005 Con... enjoy!
woah, what a final match! the italy vs. france match last sunday was very tiring with all the drama involved. i watched it again last night. man, whatever happened to mr. zidane?!?! i still couldnt believe he actually did it. the man just lost it. tsk tsk tsk...
anyway, i really love youtube. i find the most ridiculous and amusing video clips that make my day way happy... the other night, while randomly browsing -- i found this! its the ulitimate classic pop song... enjoy!
the new season of Honey & Clover has just started. i want to watch it na! ***Paging, Dean!*** hihihi! (^A^)
oh yah, still have to see the 2 specials from the first season. Again... ***Paging, Dean!*** hihihi! (^A^)
the live-action movie is due to come out by the end of the month, i think. i want to see that too! but have to wait till it comes out in DVD (hopefully with subs) or something.
ohhhhhhhh, arashi's new single (due next month) will be the end-theme song for the honey and clover movie. havent heard it yet. anyway, enjoy the 13-second CM of the movie... (^A^)
a twenty-something professional whiner. city-dweller. loves karaoke. would prolly eat anything except for sinigang. adores dogs. film-buff. takes photographs of almost anything and everything. j-entertainment fan.