金曜日, 12月 29, 2006


i dont want it to end. 4 more episodes....
i dont think ill be able to stand the ending....

月曜日, 12月 25, 2006

green + kitty ...

= picture purrfect!!!

*photo taken with Canon PowerShot A520; Loyola Memorial Park, Marikina City

日曜日, 12月 24, 2006

木曜日, 12月 14, 2006


i got myself a new pair of tsinelas yesterday! 可愛い、でしょう? ^_^

no, its not havaianas or those other brazilian brands. XDDD got it from banana peel. this new pair is prolly my 4th or 5th pair of tsinelas from them.

i got my first pair about 2 years ago. its a pink one with super cutie designs. too bad, it didnt last that long. my dogs (were still puppies then) decided to chew 'em up. XDDD

im so thinking of getting the "status quo" tsinelas in all colors! anyway, one can never have enough pairs of tsinelas!

水曜日, 12月 13, 2006

タイヨウのうた ~ taiyou no uta ~

im a season late watching this series. i kindda waited for other d/ls to finish. XDDD

anyway, タイヨウのうた is a pretty ok series. i havent seen the movie, though. the drama and comedy through out the series were laid out pretty well. although, there are some parts that were a bit of a drag.

i have a feeling that 山田孝之 and 沢尻エリカ are gonna have a hard time getting out of the shadows of the previous dramas they've been in. in this series, 沢尻エリカ is playing a character with a weird disease, something like she did in 一リトルの涙. same with 山田孝之、he played the character something like he in 世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ.

でもね、the music (of 雨音薫) was good. i really liked the 2 songs. also, its refreshing to see 山田孝之 play the guitar. <333


日曜日, 12月 10, 2006



土曜日, 12月 09, 2006



im soooo loving the new features now!!! its making my blogging so much easier!!!



i have managed to migrate almost everything from the old template to the new one. (^^) blogger has finally released its new features. it still has the good ol' blogger charms plus more! (^^)

switched back on using blogger template again. i still cant quite figure out things with the older one with the new features. but its all good. i only wish blogger to release more 可愛い templates. something thats pretty easy to edit for someone like me - technically challenged. XDDD

im gonna miss my kimono looking blog. T_TT_TT_T

よし! back to the dashboard!

土曜日, 12月 02, 2006


finally, all the pups got names and dogster profiles. XDDD


do swing by on their profiles and dont forget to leave 'em some treats! you can see the whole family here.
