土曜日, 10月 14, 2006


after a whole night of having a fever (damn, flu!), im sooo definitely better now!

time for some JE boys buzz... XDDD

キタ!the Domyouji-sama hair is back! i read somewhere that 松順 went to the Utawara recording with the permed hair. i believe that filming for Hana Yori Dango Season 2 will start very very soon. that means, he'll be going to their s. korea concert domyouji style! XDDD

ohhh, this is a shocker! i think this is the most talk about in fandom right now. 赤西 仁 is leaving KAT-TUN to study abroad. JE released an official statement already.

i honestly dont know much about KAT-TUN. i have never ever listened to any of their songs. oh, i know they just debuted just this March. i only know him and 亀梨和也 mainly coz of the doramas they starred in. as for the other members, i dont know them. XDDD

from now on, its gonna be hard for the rest of the group. i think jin is like THE most loved by the fans. i wonder how is gonna be for the 5 now... lil message from the boys for their fans.

仁さん, may you grow and learn better english to wherever you are studying at! so, you can go back to Utawara and re-perform your song with better (english) lyrics. XDDD

またな~ im goin back to bed.

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