it actually started yesterday. i got to see U2 3D @ SM IMAX Theater. honestly, it my first time to watch there.
the con was really amazing! I really enjoyed watching the whole thing. of course, its U2 for crying out loud. they are like the best band in the world!

the whole con was prolly a little less than 90 minutes. it's so freaking bitin! really! i wished it could go on forever! they prolly just showed about 14 fantastic performances.
i was just a bit weird out with the other people watching the con. their faces were just blank. they were just staring back at the screen. really crazy!
i wish they would released it on video. but i highly doubt it. anyway, おめでとう to the makers of the film. of course, also to U2 for giving such a great con!
moving to another happy thingy...
i got my con ticket already! it was delivered this morning. right before, i left to watch Shutter - again! (long story why "again') anyway, receiving the con ticket made me really happy and excited!
ok... ok..., i know, it's not the best seat ever. but damn, it was so freaking hard to get that one ticket. it was really stressful! physically and emotionally stressful! i dont want to remember it... XDDD
anyway, i'm just happy that it's with me already. now, i just have to book my trip and get my damn passport.
♪ 「L'Arc~en~Ciel - Kiss」
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