it seems that for the past 3 weeks, there's been a bunch of people checking out my blog searching for some Ichi Ritoru No Namida info/goodies. its quite an interesting thing.
anyway, i re-watched the series again with my mom. as expected, we're both crying our eyes out from the start til the end. it was the first time my mom saw the series and i think third for me. its so crazy! actually, it made me remember the time when we saw the movie I Am Sam. when we got out of the theater our eyes were so puffy! @_@
back to 1 litre, i stumbled on this site where these two amazing girls are actually translating the published diary of Kitou Aya. just started to read it the other day. its such an interesting read. it made Aya-san more real and made me admire her even more. for people interested, you can head out to KIWI & PYE's Xanga Site for the diary.

hmmm... theres been few people dropping by here searching for the soundtrack of ichi ritoru no namida. well, im feeling super kind today and for people interested, i can upload the whole thing plus 3 of the insert songs (Konayuki & March 9 of Remioromen and Only Human of K). Just drop me a line if anybody wants it. ~^_____^~
oh yah, i also have music sheets for the 2 Remioromen songs. i can send 'em to people who want 'em. just drop me a line. ~^____^~ oh yah, i also have Only Human music sheet. so ill inlcuded that as well.
here's another performance of konayuki @ Music Station. the snow falling reminds of the scene where Aya and Asou-kun were at the bridgeway saying good-bye... huhuhu...
206 件のコメント:
1 – 200 / 206 前› 最新»Ooh, goodies! You rock the most, did you know that?
Wondering if you could send that sheet music my way, it would be very much appreciated.
sent! ^__^
hey can u send me those music sheets aswel plz? Ive been lookin for dem for soo long... it will be greatly apreciated =D
no prob. will send 'em your way. ^___^
hey! i'm from malaysia. friend introduced me to the series. love the show! and the soundtrack at the credits. wonder if you have it?... (lohjonming@hotmail.com, lohjonming@gmail.com)
sent! ~^____^~
Ooh thanks for the link of the xanga with the translated diary... I've been looking for that diary, hehe. ^_^
Could you send me the esheet music as well?? Thanks so much in advance! :D
oh this is such a sad j drama.
could you please send me the music sheets too? I've been looking for them everywhere!
Thanks heaps in advance as well! :DDDD
Can't wait to play it on piano!
sent the sheets on your way, guys!
hey i was looking googling for the soundtracks and i found your page...so please could you send me the 3 songs? i would really appreciate it! thanks! my email add is paramic_july@hotmail.com
hey...thanx 4 d link 4 that diaRY...i wonder if u can send me the soundtrack?...*wink2*..my email is puff_strawberry88@yahoo.com
just sent the tracks your way! enjoy!
hey..=)...i juz email u...check ue email..tata~
Hey, I loved the drama!! I was wondering if you could please send me the 1 Litre of Tears soundtrack and the 2 music sheets to me? I would really appreciate it! Thanks a bunch!! My email is nanabanana93@hotmail.com
hey nami,
sent the stuff your way! ;D
I watched the drama. It was really good. My favourite ep is 8!~~~~. If its not too much trouble could u please send me the 2 sheet music for the songs to my email please? Thanks!
I didn't end up receiving anything from you the other day. Would it be possible to try sending the stuff to my yahoo account nm_kurokawa@yahoo.ca Thanks!
hey! i didnt recieve the file that you sent...do you think you could send over the soundtracks again? thanks! email : paramic_july@hotmail.com
ive re-sent the emails. do let me know if you got 'em.
i wonder could you please send me the dorama soundtrack? I've been looking for 3/9 and Only Human also Konayuki song but still can't find it.
as note from my comment above... my name is Sakura. and my mail is mikalia_hanashiro09@yahoo.com. I've seen the movie and cried many times when I saw it.
I didn't end up getting the sheet music... :( i dunno what's going on but could u resend them again for me? that would be great!
and if that email doesn't work try
ive sent 'em your way. please let me know if you got 'em. :)
i also love this drama, what a touching story.
can u send me the music sheet please? i really want them >.< my email is kirika.chan@gmail.com
thx a lot ^^
OMG....I've been searching for the sheet music for Remioromen FOREVER~!!
could you please send the two music sheets Konayuki and march 9th to (joanna.wu@gmail.com).....THANK YOU SO MUCH....I love this drama....<33333
hi, i've been searching for the sheet music for really long! thanks for sharing it!!! could you pls send the sheet musics to aaaqiuuu@gmail.com pls!
thanks again!
hey guys, sent em your way! enjoy! :D
hey if you still send sheet music, can u plz send it to me?
hey just wondering if u could please send me those music sheets.if you can thanks!=)
Hi! Thanks a lot for offering to send the sheet music.
Could you please send me the Konayuki song? I have March 9.
Once again, thank you! I appreciate it :D
can i have the remioroman sheets pls? konayuki rocks my socks! thanks so much u kinda angel!!
hi! omgosh i loved the drama too! but i've been looking for the sheet music for konayuki and march 9.. if you have the time, could you send it to me? my email is azn_shreddies@hotmail.com. thanks!!
Hello~! Wow I just recently watched 1 Litre of Tears and it was such a great drama. It kind of reminded me of Taiyou No Kisetsu, another Japanese drama, with Takky in it. Anyways! I've been trying to play the two songs from 1 litre of tears by ear and it's so difficult.. if you can could you send me the sheets? thank you so much!! <3
Thank you!
hey y'all.
sent em your way! enjoy! (^A^)
May I please have the sheet music? I love this drama, I ALWAYS cry doing the ending credits. <33 Thank you very much. ;_;
My email is eiween@hotmail.com
Thanks again
Hie..so kind of you for offering to send the music sheets:D just hoping if you have the time, can you please send the remioromen - Konayuki piano sheet to me ? my email is avatar_of_vengence@yahoo.com
really appreciate it^^
hallo! i was just wondering if you could send me the "konayuki" sheet music!!! ive been looking FOREVER!!! *tear* please do! my email ----> rininwonderland@yahoo.co.nz
thank you!
guys, sent em already. enjoy! ;)
hey i've been looking for the music sheets for ages & i can't seem to find them. so i was wondering if you could send them to me? thanks loads my e-mail is : cutay_madness@hotmail.com
ahh ><" i hope i'm not too late. if you could spare the time, i'm hoping if you could send the konayuki piano sheet music? i recently saw the drama and loved the song >< hoping to learn it on piano. my email: jiminy638@hotmail.com
thanks in advance if you could send it ^^ ~
hello~ im just wondering if you might be able to send me the konayuki piano sheet musics, cant seem to find it anywhere on the internet T-T darkspyral@gmail.com is my email. arigatoh gozaimasu in advance ^o^
Hey ^-^ I've been looking for those sheet musics... and I stumbled across your wonderful blog! Interesting link to the diary! O.O~ Just started watching the show, but I've loved the songs for a while... just wondering if you could send them my way! Email is chibimitsuki@gmail.com~~ Thanks so much!
ehm. hello, u'd be a darling if u can send me the music sheets, can u please send me the music sheets for both songs?
my email is lady_pink1990@hotmail.com
thanks in advance!
hey guys,
sent em you way already. enjoy!
i got into the series late, but can you also send me the music sheets for both songs? it's just such a wonderful drama. thanks in advance!
Hi umm....well im kinda of looking for the sheet music for "For my Sun" in the drama called Taiyou No Kisetsu!! if anyone can send it to
sent you guys replies. ;)
I don't know if you're still sending but if you are, may I have the music sheets?
Send them to yukinohana304@yahoo.com. Thanks!
ohhhh that's so cool!
i LOVE this drama series!!!
its so sad...but its still great
i started watching it and i couldn't stop , its wonderful
the music is beautiful!
i was wondering if you could send the piano sheet music for konayuki and only human to me =]
thanks soooooooo much!!
oh sry haha im the person in the above post! haha -_-;;
my email is antcwang@gmail.com
my name is anthony btw =]
Hey! ^-^ I loved this series so much! It was such a beautiful touching drama. I was bawling my eyes out at the end T_T
I was just wondering if you could please send the sheet music for Konayuki, 9 March and Only Human to me and the soundtrack if it isn't too much trouble. I would really appreciate it! My email is chocolatemilkshakez@hotmail.com
Arigato gozaimasu! =]
Zutto ikite!
I watched "1 litre of tears" yesterday. I am so touched by every episode in the series. sigh..
I am going to rewatch the series again..
Can you send me the sheet music for Konayuki, March 9th, and Only Human to me? THANK YOU!
email: ansonkashingwong@hotmail.com
hi can you send me those music sheets please? i've been looking for so long. thank you if you can send them
I am the person two rows before..
Check out my 1 Litre of Tears MV:
Thank you!
I forgot to add in something..
erm wrong link:
i am posting too many comments..
hellooo can you send me the sheet music to konayuki pleeeeeease please please! (yvonnent@gmail.com)
thanks so much!
This was such a great drama!
I would really appreciate it if you could send me the sheet music. ( Leli12_90@yahoo.com )
sent 'em you way! enjoy!
i have checked out the MV at youtube. its great!
is it okay if you send me the music sheets for remioromen?
i really was looking for the Konayuki sheet music for a long time.
if you can send me the others, that would be cool too.
thanks ^__^
hey umm i wondered how long ago this entry was from but i was wondering if u could send me the music sheets? i've been looking for them for ages and you seem to be my only hope!!
here's my email :girl_power_rulz_all@hotmail.com
Hi, like lots of others, I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me the piano sheets for the songs, whichever ones you have from 1 Litre.
My email is dragonfly247@hotmail.com.
Thank you very much.
Can you send me the sheet music for 1 Litre of Tears, please? A lot of people must've already asked you... hehe sorry to bother you. Here's my e-mail
thankz in advance =)
Like the others, could you please send me the sheet music of Ichi Littoru no Namida??
I have been searching and I find nothing xD
Sorry bother you T__T
My mail:
Thanks =)!!!
sent 'em already. do check your inbox! <^A^>
hi there!! *waves* I'm not sure if this is still checked, but I'd be really really thankful if you could send me the piano sheets for both of Remiromen's "Konayuki" and "3 Gatsu 9 Ka", as well as K's "Only Human". Konayuki makes me cry, because it reminds me of Haruto and Aya. I love this series, probably like everyone else here too, ya? ^___^ thanks in advance!! =D
Can you send me the piano sheets for "Konayuki" please?
hi there! pinkeye.. kawaii name... =p btw, i just watch 1 litre of tears n i'm really touched by aya's story.. aya's life really inspired me 2 hv a spirit like her.. lol.. anyway, can u please send the soundtracks n sheets 2 my email.. it's silent_laguna@yahoo.com i really appreciate it..
onegai shimasu... arigatou gozaimasu.. yoroshiku.. ^o^
hey guys,
sent em already. check your boxes. ^_^
hi pinkeye...i see you have quite a collection of d sheets..i also do not know how long these entries were posted up but i do hope u could send me all three music sheets...i'd really appreciate it as im trying all over 2 find 4 it...thankz...(^-^)v(star_dust8687@hotmail.com)
I'd really appreciate it if you could send the 1 Litr Of Tears piano sheets to: azzwipe@gmail.com .. thanks in advance. :-)
Hey I'd really appreciate it if you sent me them music sheet, been looking for them for some time. thnx x x - email add - cross_heart47@hotmail.com
im so sorry to trouble you with this, but could you please send the sheetmusic for the 3 pieces to me, too? -.-°
ever since watching the drama im totally in love with the soundtrack and i just cant fint the sheetmusic for it.
id be really grateful~~~ thank you very much in advance ^-^°
my email-adress is negi-ramen@gmx.de
Hi my name is David Smithy, and I've been trying to find the sheet music for weeks, can you please send me the sheet music. My e-mail is: smithy2683@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you so much
Hi it's David smithy again, can I please have the sheet music Konayuki please. I forgot to mention from my last comment. My e-mail is:smithy2683@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you so much.
hey guys,
sent em already. ^o^
am i too late? >_<; this post is a while back... sorry, but i've been looking for the sheet music everywhere but i can't find it! can you send it to me please? surreal.way@gmail.com
thank you!
aw man!! i bet i'm toooooooo tooooooo tooooooooo late!! >.< it was posted a loooooooong time ago and i just finally found a site that has the music sheets... umm.... so if it's no toooo much trouble... i was wonderin if you could send me the music sheets... plz!!!! my e-mail is
hey guys,
sent 'em already. ^o^
btw, of the others, im still sending 'em. if there are still peeps who want 'em -- just drop a line.
wow..this post is quite a while ago..could you also send me the sheet music for remioromen and K..my email is kylemanalang@hotmail.com thanks :)
awww. I can't believe you're doing something so kind and sending piano scores to everyone! I'm wondering if I'm too late?
May I also get the music scores for konayuki? paradisexkiss@gmail.com
thank you sooo much in advance! =]
can you send me the piano sheets too??^^"
that would be sooo nice...=)
Hello! Wow, I can't believe you are still sending them out ^^ You're so nice!
I'd like to request all three sheet music, too ^^
March 9 was the song that they sang during the chorus competition, right? I'd like to request that song, too ^^
Actually wait, I made a mistake X_X
I already HAVE March 9! I accidentally named it Konayuki, though XD!
So actually, I'd like to request the Konayuki mp3 (song, whatever format is fine) and all sheet music ^^
sorry for the double post
Wow talk about a task...I'd like to request the sheet music for Remioromen's Konayuki as well. =D
Thanks in advance.
can i have konayuki piano sheets too please.
Hi, i was wondering i could have the March 9th and Konayuki piano sheets too? That would be great, thanks heaps in advance :)
Hi there! could u send me this sheet please? spooks5@hotmail.com
I'll be very grateful ^^
Hello ^__^
I'm starting to watch the drama. I'm only on episode 2, but its already getting sooo sad!! I love the Konyuki...it fits the drama somehow. By any chance could you send me the sheet music for this song? I would really appreciate it. My email address is kinasan4051@aol.com. Thank you.
can you send me the sheet music for all the songs? thanks!
oh yeah! my email address is maine_street69@hotmail.com thanks! i just posted right now
sent you way... check your boxes. ^o^
to the latest person requesting for the sheets,
do u got any other email addy... ive been trying to send it but kept bouncing back to me. please let me know. thanks.
oh sorry~! you can send them to chramney@hotmail.com thanks!
if chramney@hotmail.com doesn't work than you can send it to m.charmaine@gmail.com thanks!!
sent em already. ^o^
sorry for the trouble.
ohoh I ve been looking for the piano sheets!!!
can you please send me the piano sheets for all three songs?? thank you so much
email: wilsonyu32@gmail.com
hi! i can't believe you have the sheets! if you can, please send them! lolliedoll@hotmail.com
kindly send the music sheets T_T
konayuki rocks!
Hello again ^__^
I'm sorry, I didn't recieve the sheet music. Were you having trouble with my email? Here it is again; Kinasan4051@aol.com or you could try sacredsakura@aol.com. Thank you
Hi! I've been looking for the sheets since I watched the show. Can you plz send it to me?
Hey, nice blog. I've been searching a lot of japanese websites but the sheet still eludes me. Will you be so kind to send me konayuki (piano version) sheet to dinlouz@yahoo.com.au
Many thanks!
Hi, I love the blog. I've been trying to get my hands on the music sheet for K - Only Human for awhile now. If it's not too much of a problem, would you mind sending it to me please? Here's my email.
hey guys,
sent 'em already. check your boxes! ^o^
Sheets please! They're impossible to find - you're a lifesaver! Thanks in advance!
hey nokuriyo,
cool fellow pinoy. (^A^) sent 'em already.
Are you still sending the sheet music? *Please say yes!* <3 I already have Only Human by K. But I've never been able to find the other two. Could you please, please, please send me a copy of each of the 2 Remioromen songs. Thanks in advance!
- Gina (GKim310@gmail.com)
it would b a pleasure if u cood send me the 2 remiomoren songs!! ^^
u've done the community a great favour
coz the stoopid copyright dun let the sites post them ^^
by the way...my email is n.chen91@gmail.com
once agen THANX!!!
~ melting iceman {Nicole}
Hi I've been looking for these piano sheets for a LONG time. I'm glad you have them!! If you can, is it all right if you send me all 3 of them? If not then only Konayuki. PLEASE AND THANK YOU.. I LOVE YOU!!!! (and no i'm not lez)
^my email address is ashley_tran80@hotmail.com btw! and thanks again~~
hey y'all,
sent 'em. check your boxes. (^A^)
hi can u please send those konayuki piano sheets please i realli need them!! thankyou alot!!
hey... been lookin for the konayuki music sheet.. I wonder whether u can send it to me.. and for the other songs as well ...v1_n3@yahoo.com
thx lots..
It's it okay by anychance to send me the Konayuki music sheets? I've been looking EVERYWHERE and no one is willing to mail it to me. It would be Really nice of you to send me the music sheets.
My email is: premoslife@hotmail.com
Thank you very much <3
Hi! I hope im not too late to post a request since your entry was so long ago. Can you please send me the sheet music for Taiyou no Kisetsu if you have it--called "For my Sun"? I think someone asked before already. It seems like its impossible to find!!
My email is dokugaku@gmail.com
Thank you so much! o^.^o
i dont have that tayou no kisetsu music sheet. but i ever i do come across it, ill let you know.
Honestly I have NO IDEA if this is too late.
But could you be kind enough to send all of the scores for this drama? I would forever be in debt to you.
And I shall owe you my life.
Thank you
email is;
Hey! Are you still suprised that people still come and go in search for 1 Litre of Tears goodies? Anyway, if it's not too much trouble, is it possible for you to send those music sheets to the following email address:
Thank you so much in advance! <3
Hi, can u send Konayuki piano sheet to me too? :D. I would really appreciate it. I've been searching for months and haven't found anything :-(.
My e-mail address is:
Thank you!!
I hope this isn't too late, but can you please send me the piano sheet for "Konayuki"? I'd love it if you would. :D
Email address is:
Thank you so much!
dunno if its late or not but can u plz send me the songs at diamondflame9@aol.com
Omg I'm so sorry.
Thank you SO much for sending them last time!
But I accidently deleted them off..
Would it be okay if you could resend the scores again? And if you want or need anything at all, please feel free to ask me! (like..music. because...that's all i have hahaa)
no prob, will re-send em.
domo, ill let you know if i need anything. ^o^
hey,it was my second time watching 1 litre of tears and i'm still loving the songs!!i was wondering if you could send me all 3 music sheets?please?thanks alot...
hi, i'm not sure how old this post is but could you please send me the sheet musics to the songs? thanks =]
ohhh... i like the song very much...:D and i was wondering if you coud send me the sheet music?:D thank you...:D
i was wondering if you could email me the sheet music..:D konayuki is <3....:D
Hi, i was wondering i could have the March 9th and Konayuki piano sheets?
thanks in advance :)
I was looking for them for sooo long!!! :)
Wow, this is great! I am currently watching the drama and it saddens me greatly. May I also please have the piano sheets to Konayuki and March 9th? Thank you SO much!
MY e-mail: micro_maiko86@juno.com
I haven't really watched the drama yet but I'm looking forward to crying 1 gallon of tears :D I'd also like the music sheets of Konayuki please if possible. It'd be much appreciated XD
oh, are you still sending out the music sheets?
It would be great if you could send it to me!
Thanks alot!
OH my god, if you don't mind, would you please send KONAYUKI sheet music to my email? I've been looking EVERYWHERE and I can't wait to play it. Please please, my email: radzgirl@yahoo.com I would appreciate it a lot if you also send the other sheet musics of one little of tears. Thank you so much!! You're my only hope..
Don't forget my email:
Domo arigatou! XD
i would be more than thankful if you could send me the sheetmusic, i actually bought their sheetmusic collection but it was a weird version of the song, and now ì'm searching high and low for another version, please i would be really happy. jonasr_87@hotmail.com
hey you I333~
could you send me the sheet music for the two remioromen songs, too?
purisuuu~? x3~
to: ga_MAEV.reis@gmx.net
that would be great!
thanks in advance!
hey, i was wondering if you could send me both of the songs remioromen songs to xblizit@gmail.com or imperfekti0n@optusnet.com.au.
hey, i was wondering if you could send me the Konayuki music sheets to: tobb_and@hotmail.com. Thanks alot!
hey! my sister really loves konayuki too, and she wants to play it for her piano recital. can you please send the sheet music to carabesque56@yahoo.com if possible? thank you very much!!!
hii if you don't mind can u send me the sheet music at bbrainffreeze@hotmail.com please? i've been looking this everywhere.
please again and thank-you
and VERY nice site =)
Hey!! I have been looking real hard for the three complete piano pieces, wonder if you have it... can u please send it to me?? please?? (^ O ^)
hi! i've been looking for piano sheets too. could you send me konayuki? i would appreciate it!
can you send me the music sheets plz??
i've been looking everywhere! so hard to find and i really really want to play it!! XD
ThankQ So mUch!!!!
hello... could u please send me the music sheets from one litre of tears?? thanks!!
here's my email add: llta1402@yahoo.com
oh my gosh! dat was so fast.. hehe! arigatou goizamashita pinkeye san! heheh! thank u so much..
can you please send me the piano sheet musics for all the songs please?!
thanks so much!
If you could send the Remioromen music sheets to me too, that would be absolutely awesome. Thank you!
...Sorry if this is really late, considering your post was a long time ago. :]
You rock.
I'm really interested in the sheet music too, so is there any chance I could get it too?
Thank you so much!
hii.. yes me too.. i just finished the drama.. and yes.. i want to cherish it always.. may i have the sheet music too?
my email add:
Hey may i have the music scores for the song too? Thanks alot. littleredcherries@hotmail.com
hey hey.. do you mind sending me may9, konayuki and only human piano sheets...? thanks
my email is: guoguocha_wulong@hotmail.com
dear pinkeye, i heard tat you have this konayuki, may9 and only human piano sheets.. can you pls kindly send them to me via the following email..? thanks dear
hope it's not too late, but i've only recently watched 1 litre of tears (and i loved it!) can you please send me the piano sheet music for konayuki, march9 and only human please? i'll really appreciate it! thanks!
dear pinkeye, i heard that u have konayuki and march 9 piano sheets, is it ok if u send it to me? my emai is chibi_tsuzuki@hotmail.com
Thank u in advance ^^
i will send all the music sheets within the day. my hands are pretty full for the past couple weeks.
please be patient. ありがとう!^^;;
thanks for taking the time to send the music sheets... you just made my day! ;)
sent 'em already! check your boxes! ^^,,
Hello! would you be able to send me the sheets for the piano version of Konayuki?! Arigauto! =]
my email is huneylips@hotmail.com
if you have the time, could you send me the 3/9 and konayuki piano scores please? many thanks ^-^
Heh, it's been over a year since you originally posted, but it looks like the sheet music is still in great demand. If it's not too much of a bother, I'd appreciate it if you could send them to me as well. My email is nightfire@gmail.com.
Thank you so much!
can you plz send me the sheet music too? muchly appreciated :)
my email is blasted_100@hotmail.com.
Hi pinkeye!
I've just watched 1 litre of tears, and I've had the sudden urge to play the piano music for it!
can you please send me the sheet music for the two remioromen songs and the k - only human song?
my e-mail is hungry_hippo88@hotmail.com
thank you so much! i've been looking FOREVER!
Hi can you send me the music score sheet for me
my email:darklordthemighty@gmail.com
can u please send the sheet music to me too?? i know u have a lot of requests~~ but i really love both of these songs~~ thanks ^^
my email
with 2 underscores =P thanku
I just read that you had the music sheets to Konayuki and other Remioromen song *-*
I would be forever grateful to you if you could please send them to me on my mail: linkinpark_rocker_@msn.com
I know this entry was made like an year ago XD but I really need them!
Hi, please send me the 2 sheets other than the K song. :] Except, if they're just the right-hand (singing) then you don't need to send those cuz I've already found them. Thank you so much!
could you please send me the 1 litre of tears music sheets??
geez... thanks a million =D
Can you send me the music score sheet for me?? coz I've been searching it for a long time.. ^^
My email nanee_yslas@hotmail.com
Thanx a lot!!
Could you please send the sheet music?
To sweetlilrunna@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance.
im so sorry to bother you....
like all these other people I saw you post about the Konayuki song by remioromen...i don't know why But im addicted to that song..^__^;;
If you could send it to me it would be great~~!! Thanks a million XD!!
email: shariganmaster@gmail.com
thankyou~ and doesnt matter if you dont have time..
Finally, I found you.
Pinkeye can you send me that sheet musics too? Please...
This is my e-mail..
Thanks a lot...
hi hi!
Can you please send me Konayuki sheet, Pinkeye? ^^
Thanks alot!!
Hi! ^_^
can u send me the konayuki sheet? please? x)
bye~* Miwako
hi! can u please send me the sheet music for all 3 songs? my email is goh_jianda@hotmail.com.
thanks a million! :D
May I have the March 9th and Konayuki piano sheets? Thanks a million... Send it to ghost_pull_leg@hotmail.com
May I have the sheet music? Please and thank you in advance!
Hello ! i've been searching this sheet music for so long ! T.T can u please send me your sheet music? Onegaii ! > < Thank very much you for your kidness! =D ^^ My email is : chunglynd@hotmail.com
hi please send me a copy of konayuki piano sheet music. thank you thank you thankyou!! my email is: cheeky_pwincess@hotmail.com
oh my goodness ive been searching for these sheets for a long time!! can u plz send them to me @ sakuradropz89@gmail.com?
thankss!! :)
Hi pinkeye!
Can you please send the 3 songs' piano sheets to me as well? It would be really really appreciated! It's a beautiful series. I watched it all in one day and my eyes were so puffy the next day that i didn't go to class! well, if not too much trouble, please send them to joycey_poycey48@hotmail.com. Thank you very much!
Wow >< I really want the sheets! All 3 songs are beautiful!
Would send me this??
Thank you!
hello! I've just finished watching One Litre of Tears, and I adore those songs. Could you please send the piano sheets to me?
Thank you!
Could you send me the music sheets please? Thnx in advance....
heyy. that show is really sad. can you send me those sheets? thanks =)
Hey, can you send me the sheet music for "Konayuki" for me, please? ^__^ My e-mail is shadowangelwings@yahoo.com
Thank you!!
can u plz send the sheets for both to me?? i have been looking for them for aggess!!
i will try to send out the sheets within this week. my hands pretty much tied up with a lot of things.
Hi! Could you send both Konayuki and Sangatsu Kokonoka to me? It would be very much appreciated, I've been looking for them for a long time! Thank you so much ^_^
I forgot to leave my email address -_- sidewalkashes@gmail.com.
Wow...I see that there has been a lot of interest in these music sheets...would it be too much trouble to send them to me as well? My e-mail is serenitycookie@yahoo.com.au
Thanks heaps!
hi, sorry seeing that your post was a loonnngg time ago, but could you also send the sheet music for Konayuki to me too? i've also been looking for it for a long time x]
my email is: xscarredforlifex@hotmail.com
thanks so much, i'll wait as long as you need! ^^
hey can i have konayuki sheet music as well? my e mail is gabrielseet@hotmail.com.
looking for them for so long.
hi i stumbled into your blog through google, searching for konayuki's sheet music. is it possible to send a copy of the sheet music to my email add mikage83@hotmail.com? thanks so much.
Hi could you also send a copy of the konayuki sheet music to me as well? my e-mail is: xchristina18x@yahoo.com thank you :]
could you please send the konayuki sheet music to me too? would really really appreciate it. spongejoc@gmail.com
hey, can u send me a copy of konayuki sheet music please. :)
hey could u plz send me the "konayuki" piano sheet?
very much appreciated :)
hi,thank you for the introduction of the drama. Can I get the piano sheet for the 3 songs?
thanks again
e-mail: zhaomin5000@hotmail.com
hi~! ty for introducing this greatest drama!!!
may i get the piano sheet for the "konayuki"??
Hi, thanks for being so generous with the distribution of sheet music,
I've just finished watching it twice,
it's incredible, and so heartbreaking.
And yes, would you please send the sheet music for Konayuki to levimfeo@hotmail.com
Thank you.
Hi, could you please send me the sheet music for March 9 if it's not too much of a bother? I'd really appreciate it!
My email address is tamethefox@gmail.com. Thanks so much if you can send me it!
hi~! omg i love this drama!! and iv been looking for the sheet music EVERYWHERE!! could you please send them to me?